
Molzana’s analytics blog, packed full of tips, news and advice on a wide range of subjects from the world of data and analytics.

How to Improve Your E-E-A-T

Creating content and stuffing this one with keywords impacts your SEO efforts negatively, this is a known thing and also something left behind in the past. However, Google’s algorithms are changing constantly and that is why we should keep ourselves updated. Recently, Google in its efforts of refining its algorithm and make it even more sophisticated, added an additional E to E-A-T, which stands for Experience, along with Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trust.

Link Building vs Link Earning

Link Building and Link Earning might sound the same to you but the truth is, they are different things. Both practices involve acquiring links, which is a necessity in all SEO strategies. However, at Molzana we like to build relationships and not simply links. Learn more about Link Building and Link Earning and the best practices for the two methods.

Molzana Welcomes Piwik Pro as Its New Partner!

Molzana is celebrating its first ever partnership with Piwik Pro. Along this article you will learn more about the analytic suite and why, together with Molzana, will make the perfect tandem.

Audience Targeting with Keywords

Targeting your audience with keywords is a fundamental strategy in digital marketing, especially when it comes to SEO. The main goal is to effectively connect your content with the specific group of people who are most likely to be interested in what you’re offering. Here you have a brief guide on how effectively target your audience.

The Importance of Acquiring Links for SEO

Acquiring backlinks is a race in which playing fair is key to positioning your website high in the ranking. Learn more about the good practices to increase website authority and how Molzana can help you.

Free Alternatives to Tableau

Tableau is a great app but might not fit in our budgets. We know how frustrating is when choosing the right tools comes, that’s why we would like to share with you a list of free, but still good, alternatives to Tableau.

What is Big Data and Why Does it Matter?

Have you heard about Big Data and perhaps, you haven’t trusted it in the first place? Let us explain what Big Data is and why we need it on a daily basis.

AI & Digital Analysts: Threat or Opportunity?

Are you threatened or enthusiastic about AI? Learn how to turn AI in a great tool for data analytics.

Webinar: Moving From Third to First: Taking Control of Your Data

Is the future of your data and marketing strategy secure? Learn how to capitalise on first party data in 2023.

4 Google Analytics Alternatives to Consider in 2023

Google Analytics has been the go-to web analytics tool for over a decade. But, all good things must come to an end.

5 Things To Do In Preparation for GA4

The deadline to upgrade from Universal analytics to GA4 is fast approaching. Are you prepared? If not, don’t panic – we’ve compiled a little task list to get you GA4-ready.

data scientist

Looker Studio: The Complete Guide For Analysts

Looking to get some more information on Looker Studio? Or are you aiming to get started and get to grips with the tool? We look at some of the key features and answer the main questions about Looker Studio.

UK Digital Marketing Events to Watch Out for in 2023

Conferences and events are a great way to learn about new trends and engage with colleagues. We have cherry picked our UK Top 10 for 2023

GA4 and Google Data Studio Quota Limits and How to Avoid Them

GA4 quotas in Looker Studio are proving to be a real pain point for users who are reliant on Looker Studio – here’s how to solve them.

Five Data, Analytics and Technology Podcasts for 2023

Podcasts are listened to by hundreds of millions of people weekly, we sifted some of our favourite shows about data, tech and analytics.

Avoiding GA-ffes When Setting Up on Popular CMS Platforms

How to install GA4 on the most popular website Content Management Systems in the world

Training Events & Seminars

Molzana’s Collection of training events and seminars are the place to learn new skills which can help your business, your clients, or your agency thrive.

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Training Events & Seminars

Contact Molzana


Digital Analytics, SEO & CRO Agency

London, Bournemouth & Edinburgh

Get in Touch

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8938 3136

London: 11 Slingsby Place, London WC2E 9AB
 Smartbase, Aviation Park West, BH23 6NW
 Jamaica Yard, 3 Jamaica Street, EH3 6HH

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